Sunday 21 December 2014

The Latest trend

Do you aware about the current culture of our Indian society? What are we following the most, or what we actually want and where are we going? You might have heard in the news that the most searched personality on Google in 2014 is Sunny Leone followed by PM Modi? Why this? I guess everyone knows Sunny Lenoe and none has any information about the recent SAARC summit agenda. Why Kim Kardashian nude pic went viral on social media and now she turned out to be the most followed person on instagram? Well, we all know her now, does everyone know, who is Indian Railway Minister? 

There are innumerable queue of such questions. We don't need answers for them, we all have the answers.
What we have to do is that just ponder over them carefully. Before that, I would like to spotlight few questions, here they go-
Why a movie must to have a coarse poster (better to call a pornographic poster) and an item song where almost unclothed sumptuous actress perform (rather call it as some sorts of poses/moves she make)? 
Why there is significant stats of porn watching per day in India?
Why every mobile has GB space for adult video but not for any devotional video?
Why novels of Chetan Bhagat are more sold as compare to Sachin Tendulkar's autobiography? 
Why there are more readers of Fifty Shades of Grey and fewer readers of any holy book? 
Why crime rates are going beyond the heights of Burj Khalifa? 

I don't quite understand how just a make out scene in movie or a make out story in novel prompt the people towards itself. It's seem similar to a solenoid coil  which produces strong magnetic field around its space and iron filings get attracted to it. And outcome of this would result into a blockbuster movie/the best seller novel. What if instead of an item song actress perform a classical dance? Well, no body will go to watch that movie. Or else you can take the example of internet posts/videos which have obscene images or start with the title like "...And the *** unhooked". All such posts have tremendous number of page visits/seen in contrast to other normal posts(like this post of mine). I don't know which trend we all are following and why following this path.

The answer for all those question is that we are now an extra-advanced society of 21st century. We are no more dogmatic now, we are liberals, we became so unbiased that we no more assess morality or ethics. We are totally blindfolded. Unfortunately, we have lost our perceptive vision and become mentally impotent to decide which is right or wrong for us.
All these give an advantage to the directors/authors/medias/websites.....and the list goes on. They know what the people want and they are making money from that. They are not at all concerned about its effect on the society. All these things give a sexual impulse and urge to gratify them end up in sexual harassment/assault. But whom to blame? To ourselves or to those who make us indulge in this downfall.

Monday 29 September 2014

"Why we don't want a Girl child?"

    Well it's quite evident about the sex ratio and gender imbalance and we ain't unaware about these things. Why there are more males than females? We know the reasons behind this disparity (males and females in a population) especially in India. 
    There is majority of people who don't want and even don't wish to have a girl child. Why this? Why they don't want a girl child? Are the girls source of great worry and stress? In my opinion, probable answer could be YES! Yes, girls are onerous and difficult concern, they are burden of responsibilities. And what are those responsibilities? Since birth of a girl until she get married, there is a huge responsibility and a lot of pressure on parents; proper nourishing and caring should be provided so that she would grown up as an elegant, sophisticated and dignified lady.

["Once I asked my mom that what if I had a sister too? That would have great, isn't it? My mom was like, No! no, one is enough! I was totally astonished. Why my mom said like that? I enquired about this, then she told me that there is nothing wrong in having a girl child. But it require a lot of care, attention, devotion in nurturing of a girl child. And finally finding a right groom for her is a herculean task. I found all these points quite practical."]

    Firstly, One of the greatest responsibilities are searching a perfect groom for your girl and similarly a good family who can take care of your daughter the way you have done. After all girls are sweet hearts of their parents, thus their worry is legitimate.    
    You have to make sure that every step you take should be in accord with society. What society wants from a girl? Actually, there are certain norms and benchmarks a girl must fulfill. If they fail to fulfill any of the criterion, society is well set to point their finger at the girl's character, eventually society will accuse it on girl's parent.
     There is a long list or other way round, some standard scaling techniques are there which a girl has to qualify before getting married. Here it goes; A girl should be slim-trim, gori,sundar, shusheel, furthermore she should be a chef too! And it's literally funny, the way people search for qualities in girls. Ladki toh gaayen jaisi seedhi-saadi honi chahiye. Why girls should be like cows and why they forget that cow has horn too! Irrespective of boy's looks(whatsoever kind of sample he is), the girl must be beautiful! Here, intellect and talent of a girl is overlooked often. 
    Secondly, the most important reason is dowry. It's loathsome that such system is still prevailing in our society. There is tradition in our nasty society, the amount of money with you decides the status of the family(in-laws) you get for your daughter. Thus if you have a girl child, you have to save your money (obviously in surplus amount) for her marriage or you should be enough rich to get your daughter married and fulfill those series of umpteenth demands of groom family. Money is the ruler here too, it's a money game indeed.
    In fact, girl has been perceived as an equivalent synonym of being perfect; i.e., Girl=Perfection. Girl should be flawless, no err. She should be well mannered, sociable and cultured. That's fantastic!! And this is our society, what does it comprise of? We:The people, make this society, we are inseparable. These old customs of orthodox society has put shackles on us; they have made us hamstrung. We have to end this nefarious cycle. 
    Thus, these are the reasons why people don't want a girl child, they escape themselves from all these brutal metal torture.
     Leaving all aside, salute to all those parents who have a girl child/children and capable enough to nourish them. They all are the luckiest one; they are truly blessed. 
    A request to all those who don't want a girl child: Please acknowledge the fact that girls are not a burden, or a matter of serious concern. For having a girl child, you don't have to posses profuse money, girls will be the real treasure of your life. Girls are undeniably a beautiful creation of God. All you need is to make your girl enough efficient that she doesn't have to ask for anything from anyone, make her that much efficient, give her that potential. For this, just educate your daughter, nothing more you have to do.

Thursday 4 September 2014

"And yet those tears...."

"And yet those tears...."

As the silvery moonlight descended on her face
bestowed its charm and grace.
It had scattered in plethora,
breached the quiet soulless aura.
An exceptional vividness spread
from vicinity to infinity.
And tears were glittered like pearls
with the moonlight sheen.

Once tears were harboured in pretty feeble eyes,
then they were gushed out
to meet the gravity with special affinity.
Tears were so ingenuous,
they were artless and naive,
they didn't know how to hide.
Alas! tears flowed so gracefully
racing down her face that
they made emotions explicit,
they spoke in their own language.
Those tears were indefatigable
they spilled patiently and incessantly.
Those yearning tears draped her
in the pleasant memories and remembrance.
Those tears were tranquilizer,
mitigated the pain and discomfort,
set the peace of mind and serenity.
They drifted, they trickled, they glided
all over...
Yet, those priceless tears were wasted...worthlessly..!!

Tuesday 26 August 2014

"माँ-बाप कौन हैं?"

"माँ-बाप कौन हैं?" 

इस धरा पर हमारे अस्तित्व का आशय-प्रयोजन हैं 
 ये एक ऐसे मुसाफ़िर हैं जो हमारा कभी साथ नहीं  छोड़ते
ये वो सहनशीलता की मूर्ति हैं जो सदैव अखंड रहती है
ये वो अभेद्य कवच हैं जो हमारी रक्षा करती है
ये वो जौहरी हैं जो शीशे को भी तराश कर हीरा बना देते हैं
 ये वही प्रेरणा शक्ति की श्रोत्र हैं जो अनवरत है
इनके ही स्नेह रूपी छत्रछाया में हम पले-बढे हैं
ये विषम परिस्थियों को सम बना देते हैं
ये ही तो हैं जो हमारे रगरग से वाक़िफ़ हैं
जिन्होंने हमें कभी किसी चीज़ की कोई कमी नहीं होने दी
 हाँ! ये वही शख़्स हैं

जिन्हे हमने सबसे ज्यादा दुःख दिए 
 जिन्हे हम हमेशा दर्द देते हैं 
अनादर-अपमान और धोखे भी  दिए हैं
जो हमारे लिए सिर्फ एक कल्पवृक्ष के समान हैं
आखिर क्यूँ हम इनके अरमानों का  गाला घोंटते हैं?
आखिर क्यूँ हम अपने उत्तरदायित्व निभाने में अक्षम हैं?
क्षणिक सुख के लिए वर्षों का प्यार भूल जाते हैं
कमी कहाँ रह गई थी?
क्या इनके परवरिश में कमी थी?
कमी हमारे ही अंदर है
हम ही उन्हें आज तक समझ नहीं पाये
जिन्होंने अपना सर्वस्व न्योछावर कर दिया हमारे लिए
  अपनी एक-एक जमा पूंजी हम पर निवेश कर दिया
 एक ऐसा बाग़बान जो ज़िन्दगीभर निगरानी ही करता रहा
हमें समृद्ध बनता रहा
और हम ही उनका तिरस्कार करते रहते हैं
जब इन्हे हमारी सबसे ज्यादा ज़रूरत होती है
तो हम इन्हे अस्वीकार कर देते हैं 
 किस अपराध की सजा सज़ा इन्हे देते हैं
 यही तो हमारे संरक्षक हैं, सर्वस्व हैं
 हम इनके एक ऐसे ऋणी हैं  जो कभी भी ऋण नहीं पूरा कर सकता

माँ- बाप की महत्ता जाननी हो तो किसी अनाथ से पूछो-
माँ-बाप कौन हैं?
अरे माँ-बाप तो अतुल्य हैं
रुपयों से इनकी कीमत आंकते क्यूँ हो?
अगर कीमत होती इनकी तो क्या ये बाज़ार में ना बिकते!

Friday 15 August 2014

"Deficient in pursuit of Sufficient"

"Deficient in pursuit of Sufficient"

Lacking some part 
and all best efforts thwart,
A man in his prime
lagging behind time.
Filled with emptiness pangs
where sweet sorrow cloud hangs,
profuse fragmentary dreams
and chocked fear screams,
partial wishes and unheard prayers
all these make my eyes tears.
Deprived of what you deserve
purpose of existence is yet to be serve.
when stars are in bad alignment
never exhaust thy excitement,
hold thy nerve till last minute
sing like a spring linnet,
Limit too has a limit 
beyond which nothing can inhibit,
Waiting for long
still holding aspiration strong,
Failure has fanned the flame inside
now determinations are on high tide,
awaken thy heart and soul 
directed to achieve the goal,
let your thoughts to be solemn and sublime
and setting thy life rhyme,
Accomplish against the odd
lift to skies with laud.
Deficient in pursuit of sufficient 
with negative value of correlation coefficient,
when the time comes, there won't be any worry
we all will make merry!!

~Aakanksha Tiwary

Monday 24 February 2014

"That Friend....." ヅ

"That Friend....." 

Heart is always in a quest
swirl in the tempest,
heart in a propensity for
 love,share,care and pamper
wants to drench in the affection shower.
Brain waves too resonate with similar waves
and a strong communication way to pave.
Hangouts are not as important 
as confluence of thoughts.
Everyone ought to have That friend,
who can transcend and contend.

Yes!you are the one,
you are the masterpiece design 
in my tapestry of life.
you are that golden thread
which sews all muddle and keeps me ahead.
You are a brainstormer 
just like knights in shinning armor,
you are a shoulder to cry
and set the stress to deep-fry,
 A panacea for all agony,
you are my sweetest honey!
Your jokes make me to roll on the floor
this is how you earn brownie score.
You not only perceive and comprehend 
but also defend.
Whenever there is dullness, and i go off-track far
you serve like a north pole star.
Touched by your kindness and gratitude,
you became my "That friend" of great magnitude.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Love: A Mirage

Love: A Mirage

Enticement of love is like a mirage
it is as beautiful as corsage,
journey on a scorching sunny day
for searching a water bay,
through desert and wilderness
devoid of dampness and coolness.
A distant image of water,
an illusion that is a spot of bother.
Yeah!love is a mirage,
embrace you,
coax you, lead you astray
adversity,melancholy will stalk you as a prey.
Love is a mirage,
it is a fallacy of gratification
and mutilate your emotion.
You will never get,
 for what you have crave,
instead you will consign to solitude grave.
An equivocal state of mind
leave you as a
victim of a intellectual and mental stagnation,
abounding in emotional exhaustion.
Love is a mirage,
lost in bizarre,
gives unseen torment scar.
Mind will be haunted by thoughts
with recurrence of emotional bouts,
It is perfect strangle rope,
which no one can cope.
Love is a mirage,
holds all the myth
myth of happiness,contentment and pleasure!!

How much interesting this Blog was?