Tuesday 18 April 2017

The Rendezvous

The Rendezvous

They met for the first time
at their love prime
It's their first rendezvous
yet had the feeling of déjà vu
A smile of cheerfulness
with the blend of nervousness
A lot to talk
but anxiety was the stumbling block
A long walk precise
to break the ice
Petty shy was kept at bay
and delighted laughter was exceeding highway
As they talked and time flies
that moment when they were lost in each other eyes
Getting closer
wanted to propose her
And words led astray
romantic expedition was halted halfway
They whispered a fond adieu
loving kiss was still a due
The rendezvous was in days of yore
now they long to see each other like never before
Souvenired memories
to fall into long past reveries.

How much interesting this Blog was?