Monday 24 February 2014

"That Friend....." ヅ

"That Friend....." 

Heart is always in a quest
swirl in the tempest,
heart in a propensity for
 love,share,care and pamper
wants to drench in the affection shower.
Brain waves too resonate with similar waves
and a strong communication way to pave.
Hangouts are not as important 
as confluence of thoughts.
Everyone ought to have That friend,
who can transcend and contend.

Yes!you are the one,
you are the masterpiece design 
in my tapestry of life.
you are that golden thread
which sews all muddle and keeps me ahead.
You are a brainstormer 
just like knights in shinning armor,
you are a shoulder to cry
and set the stress to deep-fry,
 A panacea for all agony,
you are my sweetest honey!
Your jokes make me to roll on the floor
this is how you earn brownie score.
You not only perceive and comprehend 
but also defend.
Whenever there is dullness, and i go off-track far
you serve like a north pole star.
Touched by your kindness and gratitude,
you became my "That friend" of great magnitude.


  1. "Your jokes make me to roll on the floor".....hahaaa....Good one!!!!


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